Hi this is HammerHead123, welcome to the Square Foot Garden Blog! This is my first official blog and I am super exited to plant my veggies.
Each week I will chose one new square foot gardening term and define it . Our first word is" legume". A legume is a member of the bean or pea family . Legumes are important to the organic gardener because they have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria that add nitrogen to the soil.
This week we bought seeds including cucumber, honeydew melon, radish, carrot, and tomato. We also bought strawberry plants . We redesigned our square foot garden so that each square foot has one plant variety. We did this because we are starting from seeds and this will give us the greatest germination percentage.
The tip of the week is to water your garden cover you garden with poting soil then immedtely after cover with plastic when you are planting frome seed.
Covering your garden with plastic will keep your seeds evenly moist (and warm) so that they will sprout.
Check back next Friday to see pictures of my garden.
Nice job on your first post, Hammerhead123!