Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cloning Tomatoes in the Square Foot Garden

This is a photograph of our recently cloned tomatoes.

In the past week, I have replanted melons and tomatoes, cloned tomatoes from my mom and dad's garden and I have one strawberry that is red. I also added mulch to the top of my garden to conserve moisture.

The word of the week is cloning, which means copying an organism.

The tip of the week is how to clone tomatoes. The reason to clone tomatoes is that you can make an exact copy of your favorite tomato variety for little or no money. Did you know that most tomatoes you buy at the store are actually clones?

Here are some simple directions for cloning. If you would like more information on cloning tomatoes, click here.

Step one: Cut off a three inch branch that is still growing. This is called a "cutting".

Step two: Stick the cutting in damp soil in the shade.

Step three: Cover in plastic and wait until roots begin grow.

Cloning is that easy!!!!

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