Friday, April 30, 2010

The California Homeschool Blog

Welcome to the California Homeschool Blog!
by Limelight Education (San Diego, CA)

Limelight Education is a San Diego based homeschool and tutoring service. This blog is written by students and adults and will cover current homeschool projects and events.

Current Authors:
HammerHead123: He is a 5th grade student and an up and coming triathlete. Hammerhead recently placed 2nd in the 12-15 age group of the Spring Sprint Triathlon in San Diego.

MCS: She is a 4th grade student who single-handedly operates Happy Cat Rescue, a cat adoption service.

WD: He is a  homeschool teacher, tutor and the Director of Limelight Education

Today is Friday, April 30 and we are excited to start off our blog with an outdoor project: SQUARE FOOT GARDENING

Why are we doing this project?
To apply 4th and 5th grade standards to real world projects and to identify ways to grow more food in less space.

Please check back for posts by MS, KS and myself, WD.